Stališča učiteljev do strokovnega izpopolnjevanja pri predmetu glasbena vzgoja
Ključne besede:
glasbena vzgoja, strokovno izpopolnjevanje, osnovnošolski učiteljiPovzetek
The paper explores the attitudes of primary school teachers toward professional development in the subject of music and the differences in attitudes with regard to the teachers’ years of work experience and their level of professional qualifications. For the purposes of the research, we used the General Data Questionnaire and the questionnaire examining the Attitudes of Primary School Teachers toward Professional Development in the Subject of Music. The results confirm that primary school teachers are moderately satisfied with the opportunities for professional development. According to the teachers’ opinions, professional development training should pay the most attention to making music, and the least to the activities of singing and playing. Teachers generally estimate that the music education acquired during their studies is sufficient for conducting quality music classes. The results confirm that there are no differences in the attitudes of primary school teachers toward professional development in the subject of music with regard to their work experience and professional qualifications.
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Avtorske pravice (c) 2023 Snježana Dobrota, Marija Matoković
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